For Your Best Life, LiveWise!
By Team Live Wise
To perform optimally, the body needs a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Many are acquired and absorbed by eating a variety of rich and nutritious foods.
Although they are one of the keys to health, minerals are often overlooked. Essential minerals, or elements, are categorized into two major groups: macrominerals or major minerals, and micro minerals or trace minerals. These two mineral groups are both crucial for overall wellness.
Major minerals include the commonly discussed sodium chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur. More elusive, but no less important, are the trace minerals which the body needs in smaller quantities (hence the term trace).
Trace minerals help our bodies perform at their best. It is through these elements and minerals that the brain, organs, muscles, and nervous system thrive. When the body is in balance, it functions optimally. But the balance is complex. If our bodies fall out of balance with key nutrients, we suffer the consequences of inefficiencies.
Historically, eating a rich and varied diet, along with interaction with key elements, provided the minerals necessary for long-lasting health. However, as our world is becoming progressively fertilized, aggressively farmed, and deforested, much of the earth’s minerals have been stripped from the previously rich soil.
This increasingly sanitized world means essential trace minerals are difficult to acquire. Our depleted soils, along with chlorinated water, and heavily filtered water sources rob us of many natural mineral sources. Even those who attempt to consume organic food may find it difficult to gain the correct proportions of these vital elements.
When your body has the proper proportion of trace minerals, it enhances your exercise performance, balances pH levels, boosts hydration, regulates blood pressure and vascular function, helps athletes recover more quickly from exercise, and boosts overall feelings of health.
Because of the difficulty in obtaining these crucial trace minerals, many health-focused individuals use carefully developed trace mineral supplements sourced from an alternative, abundant source: the deep ocean.
Deep below the waves of the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 2000+ feet, untouched by man, a new age of miners extract seawater full of trace minerals in proper proportions (much like those within an ideal human state) that are, in turn, used to create supplements. These helpful supplements allow consumers to reach the ideal balance of minerals with the ease of a daily drop.
Click here to learn more about our pH Wise Deep Ocean Trace Minerals. It provides magnesium, potassium, and harnesses more than 70 trace minerals from seawater that is delivered in an easy-to-absorb drop.
This simple supplement addition helps health-focused individuals achieve the balance their body instinctively desires.
Here are a few of the essential trace minerals and their benefit to the body:
Chromium - Regulates blood sugar or glucose levels for stabilized mood and metabolism
Copper - Enables the body to form bone, cartilage, and assists the body in the metabolization of iron, another essential trace mineral
Iron - Creates blood supply and aids in fetal development during pregnancy
Iodine - Assists in metabolism, growth, and overall development
Manganese - Aids in body functions including the immune system, bone formation, and reproductive tract.
Selenium - Helps the body resist cell damage
Zinc - Makes protein and genetic material (sperm), promotes optimal fetal development during pregnancy, aids in healing, as well as improving the immune response system and childhood maturation